Pipeline – June 2017

Pipeline – June 2017

March 2017 Download | June Download


In this issue:

  • Quarter in Review
  • Upcoming Events
  • Events from 2nd Quarter
  • Staff Additions
  • Quarterly Survey Feedback
  • Employment


2nd Quarter Review

We have completed the 2nd quarter with a BANG as the 2016-2017 school year has come to a close and we are gearing up for the summer! To close out the school year, cookie trays were taken to the schools The P.A.T. Center is stationed in, to say ‘Thank You” for allowing us to be of service, in hopes to return 2017-2018 school term.

Mid April, we expanded in the Credible family and added the Credible Care App to our technology. This app is an ideal companion that will be used in addition to the already utilized Credible domain, in our EMR system. The app allows staff, who does not have access to Wi-Fi, such as when in rural areas, to still have access to clients on their schedules. The Credible Care app went live May 2017!

May 2017, Leadership attended numerous meetings to obtain information about the upcoming Medicaid changes. On May 12, Leadership attended a HUDDLE meeting and May 15, a P.A.S.S.E. meeting, both in Little Rock, AR. Also during the month of May, The PAT Center had a Retrospective Audit completed and no deficiencies found for charts reviewed for Ms. Thompkins! WAY TO GO!!!!

The PAT Center hosted an MHP Recruitment Luncheon in May 15 in the PB location and May 16 in the Little Rock location. The luncheons were advertised in both cities and invited persons who have graduated with a Master’s or would soon graduate, to come and obtain information about the agency and the services provided. Lunch was provided to attendees.

June 2017, was busy as ever! Our Clinical Director, Mrs. Johnson, represented the agency, June 2, at the PCSSD Mental Health Provider Presentation Day. June 14, the Advisory Board met to review the previous quarter and discuss current quarter.

June 22, PAT Staff attends the Beacon Health Stakeholder Meeting.


Upcoming Events

July 2017
• 7/1-Medicaid Changes Began
• 7/4-Independence Day
• Annual PAT Center Picnic

August 2017
• 8/21-Start of 2017-2018 school year
• PI/QA Meeting
September 2017
• 9/4-Labor Day
• Advisory Board Meeting
• 9/20-Domanin 1 @ ASACB Conference in Jonesboro


Events from 2nd Quarter

• Beacon Health Quarterly Webinar
• National Assoc. of Social Worker’s Conf.
• PB Chamber of Commerce Fair (PB Con. Ctr)
• Annual Easter Egg Hunt
• Credible App Demo

• Retrospective audit-GREAT review; congrats Mrs. Thompkins
• CPR & CPI Trainings Conducted
• Lunch Provided by P.A.T. for Nurse’s Week
• LRSD Teacher’s Appreciation/Teacher of the Year Banquet
• HUDDLE Meeting
• Nat’l Social Worker’s Conference
• PCSSD Presentation
• National Assoc. of Social Worker’s Conf.
• Advisory Board Meeting
• Pinnacle Lunch ‘N’ Learn (training)
• Onsite BCBS Training (LR)
• Lighthouse Charter Presentation


New Team Members

Quarterly Survey Feedback

Current Employment Opportunities

Full-time Mental Health Professionals (MHPs): Full-time positions for licensed Therapists for the Little Rock ad Pine Bluff areas. Minimum qualifications: Psychologist, LCSW, LMSW, LPE, LPE-I, LPC, LMFT or an APN or CNS with a specialty in psychiatry or mental health.

Full-time Mental Health Para-Professionals (MHPPs): full-time positions for MHPPs for the Little Rock and Pine Bluff areas. Minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or related field and experience in mental health field preferred.

To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter and list of references via email to thepatcenter@yahoo.com or fax (870) 534-4906.

The P.A.T. Center PIPELINE is a quarterly newsletter for stakeholders, clients, parents, community agencies, and referral sources. The PIPELINE provides ongoing updates about P.A.T. Center projects, introduction of staff, and our efforts to improve performance and quality of services. Our aim is to be transparent about internal workings by holding staff and Leadership accountable for day to day operations.

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